What if I Won the Lottery

Good morning. Have you ever wondered what you would do if you won the lottery. I often think about it. I religiously buy lottery tickets from time to time. Then I go into the possibilities. Quit my job, travel the world, buy a private jet, pay off my house, set money aside for kids education and the list goes on. But one day I really sat down and tried to figure out what I would do if I won a million dollars. One of the first things I would do is donate $50K each to our local temple and to the temple in Pittsburgh, PA. I will take $250K and start my own pharmaceutical company. I will take $100K and open an Indian restaurant. I will set aside $400K for our kids education. Out of the remaining $150K, I will put $100K in savings, use $25K for a nice family vacation and the remaining, I will donate to our community organization. All this is possible if I get the money in one lump some. You will realize that a million dollars does not go too far. I guess it depends on how you use it. Also a lot of things on my list are still incomplete. Obviously if I hit the Powerball or Mega Millions jackpot, my plans will drastically change for the better. Then perhaps I can check off things like buying a private jet, luxury cars etc. But I will also proportionately increase amounts given to organizations listed above. Until then, I guess I have to wake up everyday, go to work and follow my routine. So what would you do if you won the lottery?