My Daily Ritual

Hi everyone, this is my first blog. I wanted to write about my daily ritual. My dad always used to say that the time you go to bed and the time you wake up should be fixed. He also used to say that weekend days are like any other days. I never really understood the importance of what he was saying, but now that I am older and wiser(?), I think I understand. I wake up everyday, even on weekends at 4:00 AM without an alarm. I brush my teeth, use the restroom and then go to the kitchen and start brewing tea. I make tea by boiling the water and let the tea steep for 10 minutes. While the tea is steeping, I do some meditation. I drink tea and then shave and shower. I then do a puja (an Indian religious ritual) for about 15 minutes and then read religious books for about 30 minutes. I work in the city of Philadelphia. So I leave my house around 5:30-5:35 AM and go to the Ambler train station. I take the 6:03 AM train to Philadelphia. On the train, I read Metro which is a newspaper that brings me up to date with things happening around me. I reach work at 6:45-6:50 AM. I am usually the first one in the office. I boot up my computer and drink a protein shake. I start work around 7:00 AM. My boss usually comes in around that time. I spend some time talking to him and then until 11:30 AM, I am working on things, attending meetings, reviewing documents or writing reports. I do take a snack break around 10:30 AM. I will eat a banana or protein cookie. At 11:30 AM I go to the gym and workout for about 30 minutes. I have lunch usually a salad, sandwich  or protein shake. At 12:30 it is back to work and at about 3:00 PM I take a coffee break. At 4:00 PM, I shut down my computer and catch the 4:13 PM train back to Ambler. It reaches Ambler at 4:48 PM and it takes me about 15-20 minutes to come home. When I come home I have tea again and then I prepare dinner. We usually have dinner around 7:30 PM and then clean up loading dishwasher etc until 9:00 PM. I watch TV for about an hour and go to bed at 10:00 PM. On the weekends I use the time in the morning to catch up on my interests like reading books, flying, etc. Weekends are also reserved for social activities with friends and family.