Removing Distractions

Hi folks, I get easily distracted and that is something I would like to change. My biggest distraction is e-mail. I sign up for many free offers like sweepstakes, free kindle etc. Every time I sign-up, they get my e-mail address and in many cases, I also get partner offers. So all of a sudden I see an explosion in e-mails received and then I feel like I have to go through my e-mail and bring it up to date. But within a couple of hours, my inbox gets full again. Lately, I have been refraining from signing up for free offers. I have also unsubscribed from many e-mail lists. Slowly but surely I am beginning to see a reduction in volume of e-mail. But it is nowhere near where it should be. E-mail is also a distraction at work. Many times people send me e-mails trying to get answers for something critical to them. But when I see that e-mail, I drop what I am doing and try to answer their question. This was especially difficult a few months ago. We were compiling a filing for the US Food and Drug Administration  (US FDA). I had to finish many sections and sub-sections of the application. I had asked people to review what I had done and then send me comments by using track changes and saving the file in a work in progress folder. But I work in a small company and everyone is really accessible. So I would often get people coming to my office with documents marked up in red pen and asking me to work on them. I finally talked to all the people and asked them to prioritize which documents they wanted me to look at first. Also, if I was working on something, I would tell them that I will get to their document once I am done with the one I was working on. That helped. Now our filing is done and there is some relief. Oops, I see my mailbox is filling up again, so I think I will end my post here. Just kidding!