Can pets influence your relationship decisions

Hello all. Yesterday evening, I was listening to the radio and the program host was Ryan Secrest. A listener called in and said that her and her boyfriend have been dating for 2 years. The relationship is getting serious, they are thinking of moving in together, getting married and having kids. But for the last six months or so her dog has been barking and growling at her boyfriend. She said that initially her dog really liked her boyfriend and was friendly. She is not sure why this transformation has occurred. Mr. Secrest tells her that this could be a sign that somehow the boyfriend is not a keeper. He said that pets can sense things that people cannot and she should seriously think about this one. Now, there are many problems with this scenario. First of all, Mr. Secrest is a radio and TV host, but I hardly think this qualifies him as a relationship expert. Second your personal problems are a private issue and should not be aired on the radio. Third, if the relationship indeed is very serious, would you break up with the boyfriend or get rid of the dog? I have read that animals can indeed sense danger. But how much importance do you give that sixth sense? I am not a pet owner and so cannot really give you any examples, but I would trust my own gut. Even if I was having doubts, I would confide with a close friend or relative and seek their advice, definitely not let my dog influence my relationship decision. I realize people change, perhaps the boyfriend was initially trying to impress her and was more attentive towards her and the dog, but now that some time has gone by he is taking some things for granted and is not being as attentive. Therefore the dog feels neglected or jealous. I have read that if a couple has a pet but then they have a baby, the pets do feel neglected as the new parents are more focused on the baby. But in that situation, the parents try to find ways to make sure that the pet and the baby get the attention they deserve. Perhaps she should look at other things around her and the boyfriend. Perhaps he has some stress at work, an illness in the family or some other circumstance that changed him. Give him the benefit of the doubt. I would not get relationship advice from Mr. Secrest. He has had three failed relationships and is now on his 4th one. Or maybe that does make him a relationship expert. You decide. Also if you are a pet owner, let me know if you feel that pets have a sixth sense.