Are Rich People Dishonest?

Hi all. I am sorry, but again, I am resuming my post after a break. I know a lot of you read my posts. But last night I met my one fan. I was at a party and he told me that he really looks forward to my blog everyday. So I told him that I will resume. Back to the party, as always, the discussion revolved around politics. Same topics, minimum wage hike, tax the rich etc. But there were some that felt that redistribution of wealth is good. Also the general feeling was that rich people are dishonest. Now I don’t consider myself rich, although according to Mr. Obama, I am. But don’t get me started on that. I started thinking, are the rich dishonest. Now in 2008 Wall Street and the banks made some seriously questionable investments and caused the financial crisis. So I agree those people are greedy and dishonest, but I don’t think you can generalize. Many people who are rich today were not rich to begin with. They had humble beginnings. Also many rich people donate money to worthy causes. Maybe they do it because of the tax breaks. But let us talk about redistribution of wealth. You take all your hard earned money and put it into a pot along with others who have also worked hard for their money. Then you divide it and give equal portions to everyone, including those who did not put any money into the pot. Would you have any motivation to work hard anymore? Or think about this. You study hard, get A’s all the time. But then the school decides that instead of only a few people getting A’s everyone should get a C. Would you study hard? If you don’t agree with this then why would you agree to redistribution of wealth. I remember a few years ago young people in New York city carried out occupy Wall Street. A reporter chronicled their daily activities. They would start out by getting a latte from Starbucks, text their friends on Apple IPhone or Samsung Galaxy phone, drink Coke and wear Nike and Under Armour Jackets and have sex at night in their tents. They want to use the products (most probably paid for by their parents) of the very same companies they were protesting against. Now I realize I am also generalizing, but now I guess you see the fallacy in that. So my friends, not all rich people are dishonest. Many rich people like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg have donated billions of dollars to charities. They are also advocating for saving the environment, equal rights for women and other social causes. In fact their support brings visibility and action to those initiatives. So please let me know what you think.