Hi folks, good morning. In today’s post, I am going to talk about innovation. The first IPhone was released on 29 June 2007. Today we cannot imagine our lives without it. A friend of mine was telling me that he had gone to an information technology meeting in early 2007. He was sitting in a big ballroom with thousands of people who were listening to the keynote speaker. He said everyone was on their Blackberry and the manufacturer RIM was a Wall Street darling. But the introduction of IPhone wiped out Blackberry. I don’t know how many people remember the Sony Walkman. But it was very popular with people, especially joggers. You could strap it on and listen to it while jogging. But it was bulky, you had to play the songs in the order they were on the cassette tape etc. Then Ipod comes around and you can store hundreds of songs, play them in any order and is as small as a calculator. Newer models are even smaller and have bigger memory so can store thousands of songs. So bye bye Walkman. Look at Blockbuster. At one time it was the world’s biggest video rental company with thousands of stores. Netflix, Redbox and similar services came by and Blockbuster filed for bankruptcy. Look at Uber. It has revolutionized the taxi industry. Actually wiped out is more like it. But Uber is in the process of wiping themselves out. Uber is collaborating with Carnegie Mellon University to come up with a driverless taxi. Another friend of mine, who is an engineer, said that the driverless taxi will also affect the auto industry. Why would people buy cars? You can call a driverless taxi do what you want to do and send it back. No need to worry about maintenance, accidents, having a garage in the house. Technologies that revolutionize any industry are called disruptive technologies. The reason is that they completely change the industry. Do you know what is the biggest hotel chain in the world? It’s not Marriott, Hilton or Best Western. It is Airbnb. Can you imagine that? An online room booking service is bigger than brick and mortar hotels! Everyone knows that the first flight was successfully carried out by the Wright brothers in 1903. At that time, if someone would have said that the next big milestone is landing on the moon, people would have laughed. Yet 66 years later, in 1969, we had the moon landing. It takes people like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk or Richard Branson to have a futuristic vision. But that does not mean we cannot do similar things. Think outside the box and find ways to improve existing ideas. Who knows we might come up with something disruptive.