
Hi everyone. Today I am going to talk about willpower. You know most people have good intentions:

I want to eat better or I want to start a side business, I want to lose weight etc. But there is a saying: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”. So it is just not helpful to have good intentions, you have to work on them. Most people including myself, feel that life gets in the way, especially if you are a family person. After a day of working at the office, commuting back and forth, shuttling kids to their activities, making dinner, there is no time left to do something for yourself.

As you know I have written a few books. I always get asked, how do you manage. I tell them that I try to write something everyday. Take this blog for example. I try to post everyday. I know sometimes days go by between my blog posts, but I try to be consistent. Similarly, I wake up at the same time everyday. Most people want to sleep in on weekends but even on weekends I wake up early, not as early as a weekday, but still earlier than most people in my household. I get a lot of things done in the morning. I am not bragging, I am just saying that if you want to do something and if you have the desire and willpower for it, you will be able to achieve what you set out to do. Take small steps everyday. The key is consistency.

So wake up 15 minutes early and slowly increase it to an hour. Start writing or doing some simple exercises or what ever you want to do. Slowly, it will become part of your routine. Just try to do it everyday.