What I Am Thankful For

Good morning everyone. I took a break for Thanksgiving. In the US, Thanksgiving is a tradition that goes back to 1621 when English settlers and Wampanoag Indians celebrated the Autumn harvest. So I had a nice 4-day break and I am ready to get back to my schedule. This time is marked by family and friends getting together. The main objective is to give thanks.

So I am thankful for my family, my friends and colleagues. When I was a kid in India, there was a very famous movie called Roti, Kapda Aur Makan, which translates into bread, clothing and house. There is a song in the movie which says that there are three important things in life: food, clothing and shelter. So I am thankful for the fact that I can have three good meals a day (and some in between as well), that I have clothes on my body and that I have a roof over my head. In addition, I have my health and a good source of income. I am also thankful for readers like you who take a part of your valuable time and spend it on reading my blog. So please reflect on things you are thankful for.