New Year’s Resolutions

Hi all. Happy New Year to all of you. Some of you have made new year resolutions. I was talking to a friend last night and he said that his resolution is to not make any resolutions.

I love New Year’s resolutions. Not because I spend all my time at the gym eating healthy, saving money, and hanging with my friends and family but because I love the idea of being able to take stock of how things are going and reset.

But I have a problem with New Year’s resolutions  and that is why limit new year’s resolutions to January? We should make resolutions all year long.

I think we should be able to reset at anytime of year, as needed. Plus, if you make New Year’s resolutions in November and December, then you have keep them for 2 months only.

But if you make resolutions throughout the year, you get another chance.

2016 was a tough year for everyone, worldwide–people I talked to are impatiently counting down the days to 2017.

Honestly, though…nothing is really going to change on January 1st. We’ll still be living in this same crazy world as we were on December 31st.

So make resolutions, but feel free to change, retool or discard them if need be.