All posts by Aniruddha

The One Thing I would Like to Focus On

Hi everyone, today I would like to talk about the one thing I would like to focus on. I really want to replace the income from my job. But I want to do it gradually. Every year I try to make that my focus, but things happen and I lose track of my goal. I also get distracted by different ideas that come to mind and I feel like I should pursue them. I have been able to pursue some of my ideas and take them to completion. I want to have the choice to work on what I am passionate about. I need to prioritize what I want to work on and then only work on one idea. I think that idea is to create an info product. So I am going to focus on creating an online info product that can replace my income.

Identify My Ideal Business Model

Hi folks, this is where I get stuck. Identifying the business model. I currently have a good job, but our industry is in a flux right now. So I want to find a business model that will help me replace my income and provide me with a lot of free time. I realized that I like to help people by sharing my experiences. For example, I have experience with international adoption and I have already helped two people in their own adoption process. Similarly being in the healthcare field, I understand a lot about diseases, the current treatment options, drug development etc. So I think that is another area I can help. I would like to create information products around those two areas and then be able to sell them on autopilot. I think I will start with the adoption area first and then create some products of varying value. As my customer base grows, I would like to add new products to existing ones.

Habit I would like to change and people I would like to have in my life

Hi folks, one of the habits I would like to change is procrastination. I need to take care of things as soon as possible instead of waiting. Especially starting my own business. In 2010, I was affected by a corporate reorganization. I was without a job for about 6-7 months. I spent all that time, trying to find another job. I also went to seminars on how to start your own business. I got all the information, but I did not pull the trigger. It is 2015 and I still want to start something on my own, but the prospect of not having a steady paycheck is scary. But as I said in a previous post, I have been bitten by the entrepreneurial bug and I am determined to start something on my own, even if it is part time. So I am going to stop procrastinating and start taking action. As far as people in my life, I just had this discussion with my wife. I have three very close friends and I told my wife that when I a dying, after calling close family, I would like her to call those three people. Obviously my wife and my family will always be in my life, but as far as personal growth or business growth, I do think I need to find a mentor who will help me. That is something I am going to work on.

Removing Distractions

Hi folks, I get easily distracted and that is something I would like to change. My biggest distraction is e-mail. I sign up for many free offers like sweepstakes, free kindle etc. Every time I sign-up, they get my e-mail address and in many cases, I also get partner offers. So all of a sudden I see an explosion in e-mails received and then I feel like I have to go through my e-mail and bring it up to date. But within a couple of hours, my inbox gets full again. Lately, I have been refraining from signing up for free offers. I have also unsubscribed from many e-mail lists. Slowly but surely I am beginning to see a reduction in volume of e-mail. But it is nowhere near where it should be. E-mail is also a distraction at work. Many times people send me e-mails trying to get answers for something critical to them. But when I see that e-mail, I drop what I am doing and try to answer their question. This was especially difficult a few months ago. We were compiling a filing for the US Food and Drug Administration  (US FDA). I had to finish many sections and sub-sections of the application. I had asked people to review what I had done and then send me comments by using track changes and saving the file in a work in progress folder. But I work in a small company and everyone is really accessible. So I would often get people coming to my office with documents marked up in red pen and asking me to work on them. I finally talked to all the people and asked them to prioritize which documents they wanted me to look at first. Also, if I was working on something, I would tell them that I will get to their document once I am done with the one I was working on. That helped. Now our filing is done and there is some relief. Oops, I see my mailbox is filling up again, so I think I will end my post here. Just kidding!

One tool I would use to become more productive

Hi folks, I would like to talk about the one tool I would like to use to get more productive. I am not a very organized person, although when it comes to certain things, I am very organized. For example in my work, I keep all my deadlines, files etc very organized. When I go flying, I do everything by a checklist so as to not forget something or not to do things out of order. But in all other aspects of my life, I take it a little easy. But one thing is for sure, when I need something, I am able to find it because I do think there is a method to my madness. However, I do think that if I get organized, I will get a boost in my productivity. So I read and heard about this tool called Evernote. It helps you organize everything like webpages, recipes, notes, digital files and much more, all in one place. There is a free version that you can use and then there are a couple of options for paid versions. I am going to try to use the free version first and then see what happens.

My Most Important Action

Hi folks, today I am going to talk about my most important action. I really want to start an online info marketing business and create a product. I looked at many programs, but I got stuck. So my most important action is going to be perseverance. I am going to go back to one program at a time and spend time getting it right. My problem is that once I get stuck, I tend to lose interest. So I am going to go back to square one and start. I hope I can figure it out. I have definitely been bitten by the entrepreneurial bug and I am not going to rest till I get there.

My Daily Ritual

Hi everyone, this is my first blog. I wanted to write about my daily ritual. My dad always used to say that the time you go to bed and the time you wake up should be fixed. He also used to say that weekend days are like any other days. I never really understood the importance of what he was saying, but now that I am older and wiser(?), I think I understand. I wake up everyday, even on weekends at 4:00 AM without an alarm. I brush my teeth, use the restroom and then go to the kitchen and start brewing tea. I make tea by boiling the water and let the tea steep for 10 minutes. While the tea is steeping, I do some meditation. I drink tea and then shave and shower. I then do a puja (an Indian religious ritual) for about 15 minutes and then read religious books for about 30 minutes. I work in the city of Philadelphia. So I leave my house around 5:30-5:35 AM and go to the Ambler train station. I take the 6:03 AM train to Philadelphia. On the train, I read Metro which is a newspaper that brings me up to date with things happening around me. I reach work at 6:45-6:50 AM. I am usually the first one in the office. I boot up my computer and drink a protein shake. I start work around 7:00 AM. My boss usually comes in around that time. I spend some time talking to him and then until 11:30 AM, I am working on things, attending meetings, reviewing documents or writing reports. I do take a snack break around 10:30 AM. I will eat a banana or protein cookie. At 11:30 AM I go to the gym and workout for about 30 minutes. I have lunch usually a salad, sandwich  or protein shake. At 12:30 it is back to work and at about 3:00 PM I take a coffee break. At 4:00 PM, I shut down my computer and catch the 4:13 PM train back to Ambler. It reaches Ambler at 4:48 PM and it takes me about 15-20 minutes to come home. When I come home I have tea again and then I prepare dinner. We usually have dinner around 7:30 PM and then clean up loading dishwasher etc until 9:00 PM. I watch TV for about an hour and go to bed at 10:00 PM. On the weekends I use the time in the morning to catch up on my interests like reading books, flying, etc. Weekends are also reserved for social activities with friends and family.